What your signature says about you
Your signature is the part of your handwriting that says the most about your personality. It is also common to have several signature, for example a more formal signature, when you sign a credit card or passport, and an informal signature. There are four kinds of signature. The first ,your formal signature; it is usually contains either a first name and a surname. If your first name is more prominent in your signature, this implies that you have positive feeling about your childhood. If your surname is more prominent, this means that your public self is more important to you. Second Legibility , it where names can be clearly read, implies that you are a person with clear ideas and objectives. Third Angel, most signatures are horizontal , rising or descending. A rising signature means that you are the kind of person ,when faced with problems, will work to overcome them. A descending signature means that you have a tendency to get depressed and give up when faced with problems, and the lack self- confidence. Finally size, if your signature is bigger than the rest of the letter , it means that you are self-confident and have a high opinion of your self. People whose signature is smaller than the rest of the test may be insecure and have low self-esteem.
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